Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It Was A Beautiful Let Down

Today, my friend Kristen and I got caught unplugging the vending machines at school. . . well, truth-be-told, I got caught unplugging the vending machines at school. Luckily the one who caught me was my World History Honors teacher, Mrs. Raff, and not some other maniac teacher who would've most likely ripped my head off. Mrs. Raff is a very sweet and nice teacher and I really wish she weren't prego so she didn't have to leave so soon. . . BUT, moving on. . .
So she came up to Kristen and I and asked her for her name and yadda yadda and then said she would have to report us. SO, during class, (which i have her first), I decided to just ask if I could turn myself in to Mrs. Delio, the school AP. Mrs. Raff sent me down, I confessed, and then Mrs. Delio asked about my accomplice. WELL my plan was to get Kristen off the hook, but alas, I failed. So she asked me what her first and last name was and called her down as well. Kristen walks in, Mrs. Delio talks, thinks for about ten minutes, checked our records, sees we are clean and doing well in school, and decides to let us off easy with just two weeks of lunch detention.
Not bad, if I should say so myself, I mean. . . I would much rather prefer that over a referral.

1 comment:

Lydia said...

This is what will happen if our work does not carry on:


Also, I wanted to cover for you. I really can take a lot of fire, so to speak, and you.. You're in a more precarious situation. You do not have to protect me from my own doings, I do not regret getting in trouble... For the first time. Not in an evil way, you understand... It's sort of like Jesus at the temple, throwing the tables down and scattering the money of the corrupt merchants inside of it..