[Werewolves are just one of my many strange passions.]
I skimmed through it, reading bits and pieces, my eyes gladly drowning within its words.
Without thinking twice, I found myself taking it to the checkout counter.
"I am definitely getting this." I said, caressing the book.
"As I am getting the Celtic book." Kristen replied.
I was far more than just simply excited to read this book, I was ecstatic, stoked, and completely overwhelmed with interest and wonderment.
The book is amazing. Apart from the fact that it talks about strange beings that once or still do terrorize earth, (werewolves being one of them, of course), it happens to have a few stories about serial killers and psychopathic maniacs whom came to believe that they were possessed with the power of a werewolf or that there were voices in their heads telling them to kill and devour human flesh. Besides that, it has some pieces talking about the making of horror movies and what-not, which, in all honesty, doesn't appeal to me quite as much as the rest of the book.
Not a day later from whence I had gotten the book had I read up to 220 pages. I honestly wouldn't have guessed I were that far into it!! It seemed as though I were not even half way through it only to realized that I indeed was.
Hi...Ray I'm again. Thank you for your comments.I'm VERY happy that I have a Interesting and Cool friend(YOU)!! to share my Thoughts!!.....
Hi Ray....I think, you will read a lot of books??.....I this!!:)....
I still have yet to begin my Celtic book, and I would like to read that book after ye are finished with it.
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